Education the metropolitan wilmington urban league (mwul) education department is fueled by the mwul education advisory council (eac) . the council is made up of public education advocates, educators, and policy scientists interested in public education reform, and business executives.
Service Area:
Categories Education, youth development, training, and employment Primary and secondary education Early childhood (preschool) education Elementary education Middle school education Secondary (high school and college prep) education Charter school education Gifted, remedial, and special needs education (includes STEM education and child literacy) Higher Education Higher education (2-3 year colleges and programs) Higher education (4+ year universities and colleges) Graduate and professional education Workforce training and employment Vocational secondary education Youth development Health and mental health Mental health care Diseases and conditions Medical research Human services, food, housing & emergency aid Housing and shelter Public safety and services Disasters and emergency prevention, control, and management Arts, humanities, media and literature, culture, history, celebrations, events, and entertainment Parks, recreation, community activities, sports, leisure, hospitality, tourism, restaurants, markets, fairs, and attractions (includes clubs and social societies) Natural resources, environment, animals, and agriculture Business and economic development, science, and technology Mortgage and consumer finance Sciences, research, and technology Social sciences Religion and spiritualism Advocacy and alliances Research institutes, and public and social policy analysis Philanthropy and volunteering International Children and youth Prenatal, infants and toddlers (under 4) Children and Preteens (4-12) Adolescents (13-17) Families (includes non-traditional and families of choice) Parents and marriage Foster and adoptive parents Adolescent parents Single parents Stepparents Gifted and talented children People with disabilities, severe health conditions, and special needs People with physical, mental, genetic conditions, and developmental disabilities and special needs
Parent Organization
Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League Inc
Wilmington, DE-
Principal Officer: JAMES H GILLIAM SR
EINEIN: 510391465
Revenue: $631897
Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League Inc